- Availability: Pre-Order
- Brand: Rigging Innovations
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To place an order for a Voodoo Curv 2.0, download the order form at this link:
Highlights of the Voodoo Curv 2.0 include:
Eliminates the gap at the back by curving to your body
Specially designed end tabs that result a lower profile of the main container
Increase of 10% volume
More comfortable during canopy flight
Incorporates webbing stow band - no more losing them!
Stainless steel mini ring hardware standard
Protective BOC stowage flap
"Sure-Grip" handles
Included slider stow
The upper harness is built from TY-8 webbing for comfort and flexibility.
The leg straps are built from TY-7 webbing backed with TY-12 to preclude slippage of the stainless leg adapters.
Stainless steel mini ring hardware is standard for looks and durability.
All housings are completely fabric for looks and utilize stainless steel clamps for security
The Voodoo Curv 2.0 design allows a smooth airflow over the back of the rig and jumper in any freefall attitude. The Voodoo Curv 2.0 incorporates the Bio Curv backpad where the profile of the backpad, instead of being straight, is curved inward at the midpoint and follows the natural curve of the back. This allows the containers to hug the back intimately and eliminate the gap between the back and the rig. This then allows for an increase of approximately 10% in the available volume for each main container size with no increase in width or length. A totally new concept is the “Bio-Yoke” configuration (Patent Pending). This design concept incorporates a secondary shoulder yoke that holds the containers higher on the back and relieves the pressure of the regular shoulder yoke with its associated webbing and hardware. The Bio-Yoke spreads the load evenly across the back and shoulders.
The fit of the Voodoo Curv 2.0 is more akin to wearing a vest or backpack than putting on an older style rig. With the distribution of the weight across the entire back, the perceived weight of the system is less than the actual weight. The inside of the yoke and leg pads are built with an inside seam resulting in greater comfort. The main container side flaps incorporate specially designed end tabs that result in a lower profile of the main container.
The Voodoo harness has become the standard of the world for fit, comfort and strength. The 3-ring geometry has been changed to slightly lower the 3-ring location for a more comfortable seated position during canopy flight. The lower hip ring geometry has been changed to allow more flexibility of the horizontal back strap, allowing the containers to seek a more natural location on the back. The leg strap junction has been totally re-designed to provide greater comfort and security around the upper thigh. This holds the leg strap and pad in place and prevents them from sliding down the leg in freefall. This virtually eliminates the need for the “bungee” cross connector.
The chest strap incorporates a webbing stow band to replace the elastic keepers that stretch out of shape or get lost. The lower main lift webs incorporate slim line modular pockets for the 3-ring release and reserve ripcord. The pockets also protect the lift web webbing from wear, abrasion and ultra violet degradation, and allow the main lift webs to stretch under high “G” loads, preventing hard pulls of the reserve and 3-ring release.
Main risers and toggles. TY-17 risers with stainless steel hardware, Velcroless toggles, dive loops, and anti-twist cable tubes are standard. Standard length is 20” with custom lengths available at no additional charge.
Main Pilot Chute and Bridle. The standard main deployment configuration is a BOC throw-out pilot chute with a Hackey and kill-line collapsible bridle.
The BOC pocket incorporates a small stowage flap that helps keep the pilot chute from creeping out and positions the handle in the same place every time.
Reserve ripcord and 3-ring release handle. A metal mini trapezoidal ripcord handle is standard with a pillow or loop handle optional. The pillow ripcord and 3-ring release handle come standard with rubberized “Sure-Grip” fabric for a better grip under all conditions.
Slider stow. A specially designed loop is built into the top reserve flap which allows attachment of a custom designed magnetic slider stow without interfering with the operation of the reserve.
Hook Knife. A high impact hook knife and pocket is integrated into the right side main lift web cover and 3-ring release pocket.